Monday, April 4, 2011

Courtney starts socer

Saturday was Courtney's first day of soccer. Seriously, the cutest thing I have ever seen! She has started "First Touch" soccer in Fayetteville and she loves it. This league is super cute. No teams. No "games". All the kids wear these (ugly) orange and blue shirts, they do some "practice" and then they split up and scrimmage. At almost 4, you never really know what your child will like or be good at or want to do. So, you take a shot at it and hope for the best. She loved it and so did I! I was very proud of how she paid attention to the coaches and was also having a blast. We are excited to see her progress as the month goes by and she is already excited for her next game on Thursday. Did I mention how A D O R A B L E she was in her little soccer gear?!?! I. Love. Her.
 With one of her best buds Lucas.

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