Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter weekend

Easter weekend at our house was great fun! Even though it was pouring rain on Sunday that was all fine and dandy here that the Pursley residence. We had my parents out and our good friends - The Greers - came over after church. Church, was awesome! We absolutely love when Nick Floyd speaks. He really seems to speak to us. Not that we don't love Ronnie, we do love Ronnie, but Nick is just amazing and different of course. Also, it was the last week of the drama of Christ being crucified. Holy smokes, what an incredible thing to watch in person. I can't even begin to imagine what it was like really being there! As we watched Jesus heal the blind, make the crippled walk and heal the leapers, we all had tears in our eyes! The first week was absolutely amazing and made it so real. The second week of the last supper. As we took communion and watched them reenact the last supper on stage, my heart was filled with the Holy Spirit. I felt so different that Sunday than any other Sunday. Not that is makes it mean any more to be watching a's hard to explain. Then Easter Sunday; the crucifixion and the resurrection.  OH MY WORD! What an incredible display of the truth. How great is our God!

Here are some pictures of our weekend:

Courtney looking for her basket...
Daddy helping Courtney look for her basket...

Daddy reading her new Bible.
The best picture of the was cold and raining.
still having fun looking for eggs...
all the way up there!

Paul with his "peeps".

Us and the Greers - we love you guys!

microwaving more peeps!

Courtney asking Bopa for some dog food... feed the dog! 
Gilligan - aka Little Buddy: I don't like dogs and this dog is CUTE!
dyeing eggs for the first time

yes, she is picking her nose while WE dye eggs
this just cracks me up, it totally LOOKS like she is about to slap Nana
my parents got Courtney this huge lamb that is just precious
the rare picture of mommy and courtney: thanks Daddy, we love you too

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Contest...will we win?

Angela has challenged some of us moms and I came through. Don't believe it? I will prove it with pictures! I am one of those moms who always has ideas to do with her children. I even go out and buy craft supplies and cooking supplies to do these amazing ideas with my children, yet for some reason, we never get to these things. This Easter, Angela challenged us to do a baking craft with our children, post it on our blog and win a prize. Little did she know that I already won the prize; the smile (and funny frown in our case) of my daughter. Thanks so much, Angela. We had a blast and will have memories for a life time.

Mind you, Courtney is not even 2 yet. I wanted to come up with something she could actually do herself. I am sure this is not the prettiest, craftiest or any of those 'iest'. But, she did it and didn't like it! Oh she is a riot. I love my precious little baby girl.

told ya she didn't like it.
all clean, and happy

This is Daddy's version.

Monday, April 6, 2009

daddy/daughter time

I love Daddy/Daughter time! I was taking a nap Sunday (another post, but I believe God meant for us to REST, aka SLEEP on Sunday:-)) I woke up to Paul handing me my camera. "Handing" as in setting it on top of me and abruptly waking me up. Paul and Courtney had been putting his new bbq together, and yes, in the living room. She was really helping and he was loving it. She had her cup full of nuts and her cup full of screws. Daddy would ask for which he needed and she would get the correct part and hand it to him. Then she would say 'Courtney do it'.  At the end of the afternoon they completed the task and I was proud of them both.
Playing in her 'house' during the building stage.
All done!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

my sweet baby girl

Oh how dearly I love my baby girl. She is absolutely amazing and lights up my life each and every day. From the second she wakes up she has a smile on her face. What a relief since her daddy is not a morning person! Each morning she lays with me in bed and grabs my face, looks in my eyes and kisses me. It could make a grown man's heart melt. Don't get me wrong, she has her melt downs, her fits, her tantrums but those aren't the moments that I think of at night when I am remembering our day. She is our little lover and I could not have asked for a more precious gift from God.

We are currently potty training...we have been 'in training' for training for a while and she has done great! She is now pretty much #1 trained. Even takes her diaper off to go in the potty at times. On to #2...or maybe not...whichever works for her. :-)

The other night Courtney fell asleep with "blah blah" (what she calls Blaine for those of you who don't know and it's here to stay). She just does not do that. I believe that was the second time in her life that she has fallen asleep somewhere other than her bed. (other than as a newborn of course) But, she simply adores her "uncle blah blah".

She is also our funny little baby girl, she is always making me laugh! This day was a gorgeous day outside (I believe it was shortly before our March snow here in Arkansas) and Courtney thought her outfit was complete with socks and all-stars. That's it. She was out on the back deck fully clothed and came back in like she is watching her favorite (and only) show. Little Einsteins.